Black ish season 2 episode 7
Black ish season 2 episode 7

black ish season 2 episode 7

The whole endeavor is a failure from every angle, and when you consider how it completely fragments and marginalizes the more important story of the episode, it turns “Charlie in Charge” into pretty disappointing fare.

black ish season 2 episode 7

Plus, with all those pictures of Dre and his family around the house, how long would his ex actually be confused? Although, Blacki-ish doesn’t go out of its way to actually make her “smart” or “resourceful,” another disappointment. And it makes the kids of the house into cyphers for his comedic punchlines: I don’t really think Junior in his right mind would be cool with this plan, just as I’m finding it hard to believe Charlie would find anything in Dre’s closet that fit him appropriately. It’s hard not to enjoy Deon Clark impersonating D’Angelo, but these weightless moments can only go so far spending a good ten minutes on his attempts to delude an ex into “settling for him” ends up a pretty unfunny and surprisingly depressing affair. So it’s no surprise I’m not into a plot where Jack and Junior try to help Charlie fool his ex-girlfriend into thinking he’s rich and successful (while Diane cackles in the shadow) – and boy, does this episode commit to that story, giving it an entire arc, and allowing it to completely overshadow the real meat of this week’s Black-ish, which is on the other side of the country with Zoey’s first college visit. Outside of his eternal feud with Diane, there’s not a lot to see whenever Charlie leaves the office, and isn’t inside the four walls of his own home (“Dad?” = the single funniest joke in this episode). Why it decides to spend most of its time with Charlie convincing a woman he’s someone else so that she’ll sleep with him is beyond me – to say it makes for one of the more dissonant episodes of the show is a severe understatement.Īs much as I love Charlie’s character, his random assemblage of personality traits only works inside the office walls. Be it Dre trying to get his daughter to attend a historically black university, or the difficulty of seeing a child go to college 3,000 miles away from home, there is plenty for Black-ish to explore when Dre, Bow, and Zoey travel to Brown (both Bow and actress Tracee Ross’ alma mater) for Zoey’s first college visit.

black ish season 2 episode 7

There are a lot of ideas shoved into the first five minutes of “Charlie in Charge,” which begs the question why Black-ish would ultimately settle into a Charlie-centric episode built around an Amber Rose guest appearance.

Black ish season 2 episode 7